Visit a Chelsea Green Partner Store Near You
The following top independent bookstores are participants in our Chelsea Green Bookstore Display Program. Each store has created a Chelsea Green section as a way of featuring more of our extensive list of titles about green living, sustainable agriculture and organic gardening, natural building, environmental economics, and progressive politics. We’re grateful to have the help of these fine bookstores in promoting sustainability and Chelsea Green Publishing in their communities. Please support them!
Become a Chelsea Green Partner Store
The Chelsea Green Partner Program is a merchandising program for bookstores enabling them to receive special billing terms and extra discount in exchange for curating a Chelsea Green section in their store.
The program is available to bookstores that have established accounts in good standing with Chelsea Green and have met a threshold for minimum sales in recent years.
To find out if your bookstore qualifies for the program, please contact Kirsten Drew, Book Strategy Manager, at kdrew@chelseagreen.com.